Cummins: M11 Plus X15 ISB ISX ISX EGR N14 Celect N14 Celect Plus Detroit Diesel: DDEC 2 Glider Harness DDEC 3 and 4 or 12.7L DDEC 5 or 14L Mercedes Benz: Harnesses
TerraGator Harness
3-Way Socket Connector for DDEC Interface
$6.00 USD
Delphi Crimper MP. Terminals in gauge: 22-20, 30-05, 18-16, 0.8-0.1
Green extractor for for Delphi terminals MP 075, MP 074 and MP 881.
MP Terminal gauge 18,16, for 2-Way Brake Male Connector and 293 3-Way Socket Connector
Price by unit.
Purple Extractor for Delphi terminals 845 and 493.
074 Terminal for Brake Connector and Connector for DDEC Interface
Gauge 18,16. Assembled
881 MP Terminal for Kit DDEC 2, 3 y 4, 12.7L.
MCM & ACM 21-Way Connector for DDEC 6, 13, 15 and MBE-4000. Assembled
Cummins N14 Celect Injector connector, individual.
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